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Home: It's where my heart is

Mixit's annual summer highlight performance project is happening January 9 -22nd 2023.

The Creative Leadership team includes theatre-maker extraordinaire Margaret-Mary Hollins, co-directing with Mel Bailey (Mixit Programme Leader) and choreographer Andrew Cesan (from the renowned Cesan dance whanau). A team of young people, supported by a squad of Mixit Alumni, will create a show from scratch in 11 days culminating in a series of intimate community events.

The creative tools of drama, storytelling, dance and music will shape the Mixers response to ideas of HOME and what this means to them. The outcome will be a devised and authentic experience that reflects voices from a diversity of backgrounds.

Strictly limited space in the venue of the Sea Scouts Hall @ 55 West End Rd, Herne Bay so bookings essential
Gold Coin Entry – no Eftpos bring cash

Sat Jan 21st 1pm and 5pm
Sun Jan 22nd 1pm and 5pm

To book your place in this unique community event:
Ph: 021 255 7937

Audiences responses to previous summer events

Mixit is diversity on another level and I’m filled with hope being around it.

The power, force and truth of the many voices of Mixit must be experienced live and direct to truly feel it

Incredible, inspirational and uplifting - I could not have loved it more!